Plumpy Style Session #1

La Plumposphère
Les amis des Plumpies
mai 2024
L Ma Me J V S D
« mar    

PostHeaderIcon Plumpy Trash – bELLE et rebELLE


Je me suis inscrite au concours de style Elle + Coca Light : à gagner un shooting pour Elle.

Alors, moi j’ai fait dans l’anti-style total, du rock-trash insortable. Mais ce serait tellement bon qu’une Plumpy gagne un concours Coca Light !!!

Pour voter, tu cliques ici, ici ou ici! (et tu me mets 5 étoiles, please?)

Merci les zamis!

40 réponses à to “Plumpy Trash – bELLE et rebELLE”

  • epsilon dit :

    done! good luck ;)

  • Plumpy Trash dit :

    merci epsilon!

  • Le Bib's dit :

    Ca y est j’ai voté moi aussi !!!
    Et en même temps j’ai réussi mon premier commentaire ! :p

  • Le Bib's dit :

    PS : j’adore ton style Plympy Trash ! Bonne chance :)

  • Tristoune dit :

    Bon ben moi j’ai voté 2 fois :-)

  • Alex dit :

    C’est fait!!!!! 5*…….

  • Plumpy Trash dit :

    Merci le Bib’s & Alex! Le rock’n troll vous le revaudra!

  • Plumpy Trash dit :

    Vous pouvez voter tous les jours héhé

  • Plumpy Chic dit :

    Ben on va s’gêner tiens ! Sinon Alex et le Bib’s sont mes sœurettes :)

  • Plumpy Trash dit :

    Ah de la bonne graine héhé

  • carmen dit :

    of corse you loock beautiful but you are in a mistake forgeting your health.That is the first!is unhealthy not to eat enough as many people who suffers anorexia does, but is also as bad as that ,overeating. Everyone needs a healthy diet and exercise. As a child i was too fat and had the same arguments you mentioned then i grew up and lost weight eating less too less and was close to fall in an eating disorder . I’m not thin, i’m not fat but i’m ill because i’m to scared of being fat again an i’m not eating correctly.

    what your doing is as bad and as unhealthy as what i did . Beauty doesn’t have any size but health has !

    • Plumpy Trash dit :

      Are you trying to sell me a diet?

    • Plumpy Chic dit :

      I dont really understand the point of your comment, Are you saying that we’re encouraging people to be fat and eat more ?

      Besides, you imply that Plumpy Trash overeats, but what do you really know about her (our) lifestyle ?

      If we had, in the past, eatind disorders, we don’t anymore…
      But the metabolism has a good memory and now, whether we eat or not, our weight stays pretty much the same.
      Unless we decide to go on a diet, wich is known now to be very bad for the health, like forcing the body to do anything not « natural ».
      Of course we could do mors sports, but we’re not idle or lazy.

      Eventually, this blog IS NOT about promoting some kind of « fat-being ».

      That’s what we are, indeed, and we just wanted to share what we are living, dreaming of, or what is getting on our nerves.

      I have to say, Carmen, I dislike very much the groundless judgement you expressed here about our lives that you don’t know anything about…

  • carmen dit :

    I bought the french glamour and i saw a report called « vive les fatshionistas ».I searched information about it an i discovered that in my country people who saw it was against. people in my country tinks that those girls try to love herserlf because they don’t want to face the truth of their problem. I think that is wonderful to love yourself no matter how you are but it’s important to be healty, it doesnt mater if you are fat or thin, i’m not talking about the image. I have seen your pictures and you aren’t obesse just curvy and this is not bad but the girls of glamour magazine where putting her life in risk they where too fat not just curvy is important to be careful to cross the line is very eassy. i was surprise about something i saw in one of your articles, you said you hate sport and you prefer eating a chocolate dessert instead of a fruit salad, and i’m not agree with that. I’m not defending a diet i’m just defending a healthy life style like the mediterranean diet or somthing like that. Well i didn’t want to ofend you i’m sorry if i did it.

    • Plumpy Chic dit :

      In which article have you seen that ?
      Speaking of being obese, I am INDEED ! My european size is 56, I let you convert…
      Once again, the point of our blog is not saying something like « Being fat is being beautiful ». We’re just saying « Yes we can be fat AND beautiful » no matter why we are supersized, that’s part of our lives…

      By the way, I did overreact, sorry…

    • Plumpy Trash dit :

      If Plumpy Cool is a curvy girl, Plumpy Chic and I are obese. I can talk about it.And you know how it happened? Because of diets! I was a big baby, and I had my first diet when I was 1 year old. Since that, I’ve had problems with food : several months with diet, several months trying to eat like other children. I have made a lot of diets, always with the dr’s advices, but I’ve never been thin and now I know I would never be thin. All these things I’ve done to be « healthy » have caused many problems: today I don’t know what « being hungry » (physically)means, and I don’t know when I’ve eaten enough. I don’t want to talk about all the psychological problems associated. Why do you think I hate sport? Because it hurts my body : I only can walk and swin.
      Since a few years, I’ve decided to stop this fight against myself. Overweight is a problem, it’s true. But I’ve decided to have a normal life, I don’t try to change anymore. But since I stopped trying to be healthy, I feel better : mentally and physically. I have found my « mens sana in corpore sano » way of life, that’s why I will not try to lose weight anymore, never.

  • carmen dit :

    what are your lantin origines?

  • carmen dit :

    ummmmmmmm ok i’m very sorry i spoke without thinking that every country has different points of view.You were very polite answering , is eassy to see that we don’t have the same latin origins!

    • Plumpy Chic dit :

      No matter what is the opinion of my country, I’d rather have my own !

      What country are you from ?

  • carmen dit :

    I’m spanish, What is the meaning of plumpy?

    • Plumpy Chic dit :

      Plump means llenito, gordo

      And Plumpy Trash speaks spanish fluently, but I don’t !

      • Plumpy Trash dit :

        Hola Carmen, yo tb soy española (bueno, mezcla iberica digamos, que mi padre es portugues)
        Como lo deciamos antes, ya hemos tenido bastante con las opiniones de los demas. Son esas mismas opiniones que han hecho de nosotras lo que somos ahora, osea que nuestros padres, los medicos, la gente en general ha querido que adelgazemos. Hemos hecho las dos bastantes regimenes cuando eramos mas jovenes. Y ahora, bueno, la verdad es que queremos disfrutar un poco de la vida. No puedes pasar toda la vida comiendo acelgas y sandias, pero igualmente no nos pasamos la vida comiendo pasteles y nocilla. De momento nuestro cuerpo va bien, quiza algun dia cambiaran y a lo mejor haremos regimenes.

        Pero somos jovenes, y comemos como los demas, ahora podemos vestirnos como los demas, pero pesamos mas de 120 kg, eso si. (sorry por los acentos, pero no tengo el teclado adecuado).

  • carmen dit :

    jajajaj q bien hablas ! espera tu padre es portugues? y tu madre?

  • carmen dit :

    pues aqui en cuanto uno pesa 60kg para arriba ya estas gordo da igual la altura y una 42 ya es talla de gordo almenos en mi generacion (tengo 22 años) la cantidad de problemas de anorexia en los colegios cuando yo estudiaba era grande pero los adolescentes no se compadecen mucho ni siquiera la gente mas mayor y critican cualquier cosa

  • Plumpy Trash dit :

    mi madre es aragonesa!

    Bueno, aqui tambien es igual : ya te es dificil encontrar ropa en una tienda « normal » mas alla des 42 o 44. La gente aqui tambien es igual.
    He empezado a estar tranquila con los comentarios sobre mi peso cuando me vine a vivir a Paris : aqui a todos les da igual todo. Y la verdad es que cuando pasan los años, la gente ya no hace tantos comentarios, sobretodo cuando dejas los complejos y que eres feliz. Estoy mas feliz ahora con 31 años que con 20.

    Nosotras no queremos hacer publicidad para los gordos pero tampoco para regimenes: queremos ser unas chicas normales, con los mismos problemas que la mujeres de nuestra edad. Por eso hemos hecho este blog.

  • carmen dit :

    pero tu eres española de nacimiento o francesa hija de inmigrantes? A os recomiendo un blog que se llama esta bastante bien es de unas chicas de bilbao es muy original , combinaciones de ropa raras o ropa hecha por ellas o reciclada. adios 1 beso

  • carmen dit :


  • carmen dit :

    Q es el mundial ombre! mirad el blog que os dije que esta guai!